Soft shell crab with black pepper sauce (PU NIM PRIK TAI DUM) ( Soft shell crab topped with black pepper sauce and onion)

Soft shell crab black pepper 
( PU NIM PRIK TAI DUM ) Thai language
( Soft shell crab topped with black pepper sauce and onion )


3 soft shell crab
2 green onion
3 Garlic
1/2 Onion
Bell pepper
Black pepper
wheat flour
Oyster sauce
Fish sauce
Granulated sugar
Vegetable oil


1.Cut soft shell crab into half .
2.Cut Onion , Bell pepper , Green onion cut it into small pieces .
3.Minced Garlic and Black pepper .
4.Add soft shell crab with wheat flour and mix thoroughly
5.Heat vegetable oil in a pan and add soft shell crab fry it until cooked and bring soft shell crab to dish for next method
6.Change the pan ,  add vegetable oil and heat vegetable oil in the pan, Add minced Garlic and minced Black pepper and stir until cooked .
7.Add Onion , Bell pepper and season with Sugar ,Oyster sauce, Fish sauce and stir to combine
8.Add cooked soft shell crab stir to combine .
9.Last, Add green onion and stir to combine .

Finish .

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