Hot and Sour Shrimp Soup [Tom yum kung]

How to make Tom yum kung

Thai Recipe Ingredients
12 deveined shrimps
10 mushrooms
1 stalk of lemon grass ( gently pounded and cut into about 2" for long )
3 Kaffir lime leaves
3 tablespoons of lime juice
1 teaspoon of salt
2 tablespoons of fishsauce
6 hot peppers (pounded  gently)
4 cup of water 
1/2 cup of roughly cut coriander leaves

Thai Food Preparations

1. Clean mushrooms with water and dry them before wedging each into quarters.
2. Bring water to boil, then add lemon grass, lime leaves, and shrimps. When the shrimps turn into  pink color then add mushrooms and salts.
3. Remove the pot from heat after boiling. Then season with fish sauce, lime juice, and hot peppers. Serve the soup while still hot and garnish on top with pieces of coriander leaves

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